There is no doubt that food safety is integral to the continued growth of the global fresh produce supply chain. Accordingly, fresh produce operations have a multitude of food safety standards to comply with, both voluntary and federally regulated, all with the aims of protecting public health. But how familiar are you with key international food safety standards such as Codex Alimentarius and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)? And how might these standards impact your operation, if at all? View the recording of this Virtual Town Hall to learn about the history of these global food safety standards, why they matter, and the importance of produce industry representation in their development and revision from both the producer and buyer perspective.
Moderator (& Speaker): Dr. Emily Griep, Vice President of Regulatory Compliance & Global Food Standards, IFPA
- Natalie Dyenson, Vice President of Food Safety and Quality, Dole
- Sara Mortimore, Vice President of Global Food Safety, Walmart