June 22, 2023
Washington, DC - The International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) applauds the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture’s passage of its Fiscal Year (FY24) funding bill. The Senate subcommittee’s legislation fully funds WIC, including the fruit and vegetable benefit amount at the current levels consistent with the National Academy of Science’s recommendations.
IFPA’s Vice President of Nutrition and Health Mollie Van Lieu issued the following statement:
“We are grateful to Subcommittee Chair Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Ranking Member John Hoeven (R-ND) for a bipartisan appropriations bill that ensures the millions of women and children enrolled in WIC continue to receive fruit and vegetable benefits at levels reflective of federal dietary recommendations. Today’s benefit levels have resulted in young children consuming two cups of fruits and vegetables per day. We appreciate the Committee’s recognition of this important public health progress.
“The Senate bill stands in stark contrast to the House agricultural appropriations bill that would cut fruit and vegetable benefits by 70% for women and 56% for children. IFPA will continue advocating for full funding of the WIC fruit and vegetable benefit throughout the FY24 appropriations process to ensure participants do not see a benefit drop come October 1st.”